College of Science

Department of Environmental Sciences

About Department

The Department was established in 2011 and award B.Sc. in environmental Sciences. An important responsibility that we have for today and for the future generations is to balance human needs with the preservation of a functional biosphere. To minimize human impacts and move toward more sustainable practices, we must understand the causes of ecological change and the complex interactions within ecosystems, and design effective strategies for pollution prevention and resources consuming. This requires expertise in environmental monitoring and assessment, determination of appropriate regulations, and policy implementation. Through its curriculum and research opportunities, the Environmental Science program provides students with a strong scientific background for understanding and addressing the environmental challenges we face.

Department of Physics

Department Head
Najlaa Mohammad Ali Qaseem

Department Cordinator
Diljeen Sami Awni

Department Mission & Vision


Contact Information

University of Zakho
College of Science
Department of Environmental Sciences
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12

Phone1: +964 xxx xxxxxxx

Academic Staff

Name Department Title Position Email
Faris Haji Yousif Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Ibrahem Ahmed Hussein Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Musheer Rashid Ahmed Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Professor
Najlaa Mohammad Ali Qaseem Department of Environmental Sciences Lecturer Head of Department
Payman Abdulsatar Abduljabar Department of Environmental Sciences Lecturer
Rami Nafaa Saleem Department of Environmental Sciences Lecturer
Ronak Abdulazeez Meshabaz Department of Environmental Sciences Lecturer
Salih Farhan Ismael Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Yaseen Taha Mustafa Department of Environmental Sciences Professor
Samara Saad Faraj Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Jindy Murad Jindy Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Nizar Jalal Hussein Department of Environmental Sciences Lecturer
Diljeen Sami Awni Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer Department Cordinator
Dilsouz Dakhil Hassan Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Shireen Abdulkareem Tamer Department of Environmental Sciences No Title
Wassfi Haji Sulaiman Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Shileer Sulaiman Omar Department of Environmental Sciences No Title
Ahmed Baseer Mohammed Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer
Hawar Abdulrahman Rasheed Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Professor
Briyar Mohmmaed Mustafa Department of Environmental Sciences No Title

Academic Staff (Visitors)

Research Staff

Name Department Title Position Email
Kamil Mansor Yousif Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Professor
Sagvan Mohamed AliAgeed Department of Environmental Sciences Assist. Lecturer


​​​ Subject Units Instructor(s)
BSc Courses
MSc Courses
PhD Courses