College of Science


1 October 2019, 00:00
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Reduces Evening Study and Parallel Fees by 45%

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region decided to reduce the fees of evening study and Parallel system in all universities and institutes of the region by...

26 September 2019, 00:00
A Committee From the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq Visited the University of Zakho

On Thursday, September 26, 2019, at 10:00 am, Assistant Professor Dr. Lazgin A. Jameel-President of the University of Zakho and the members of the council of the university warmly welcomed a commit...

25 September 2019, 00:00
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Met with Top Students of Kurdistan Universities

Media Directorate of the Ministry of Higher Education:
On Tuesday, September 24, 2019,the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan region met with top students of Kurdis...

6 September 2019, 00:00
Gender Topics Will Be Studied at Institutes and Universities of Kurdistan Region

On Thursday, September 5, 2019, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research conducted a workshop for "Gender Studies Centers" of Kurdistan universities, at Hawler Medical Univers...

29 August 2019, 00:00
A Lecturer at the University of Zakho Donates a Collection of Books to the Library of the Faculty of Science

Dr. Ismail A. Ali- Director of the Directorate of Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies donated a number of (69) books to the library of the Faculty of Science. The books he donated var...

14 July 2019, 00:00
The University of Zakho Is Ranked Sixth in the Kurdistan Region According to Webometrics

The Statistics and ICT Center at the University of Zakho is pleased to announce that according to...

22 June 2019, 00:00
The College of Medicine Participated in GroFin conference 2019

On 15th of June, 2019, a delegation from the University of Zakho represented by Dr. Ahmad H. Ibrahim-Head of Medical Education Development Department participated in Grofin conference at Duho...

15 April 2019, 00:00
World Environment Day Is Celebrated at the University of Zakho

On Monday, April 15, 2019, in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Lazgin A. Jameel-President of the University of Zakho, deans of the faculties and colleges of the university, representatives o...

25 March 2019, 00:00
Some Professors from the University of Zakho Visited Ufa State Petroleum Technological University USPTU/Russia

For the purpose of collaborating with the University of Zakho and Ufa State Petroleum Technological University USPTU/Russia, the Department of Oil and Gas Technology invited two lecturers namely; Prof...

25 March 2019, 00:00
The University of Zakho Visited Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science

In accordance with the cooperation agreement between the University of Zakho and Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science/ Ufa-Russia, signed on October 05, 2018, a delegation fro...