The Pedagogical Training and Academic Development Center is one of the important units at the University Zakho. It leads an academic and scientific role by contributing to the academic development of the teaching staff (especially newly graduated teachers), and training them with various important skills in pedagogy and scientific research, and leadership and management. The center provides theoretical and practical lectures in Modern Pedagogy domains and English Language Proficiency courses for higher education candidates. Moreover, the center commences a variety of cultural and educational workshops and courses which meet university's objectives and serve as a liaison between local community and university.
The PTADC is housed in a purpose-built facility which includes modern classrooms and a well-equipped computer suite, as well as advanced audio-visual equipment and learning resources. Most importantly, The PTADC's teaching staffs are experienced with MA or PhD from the finest international and local universities.
Pedagogical Training and Academic Development Center
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12
Sunday - Thursday 08:30a.m. - 03:00p.m.
Our Website