The spokesman of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research: 522,000$ allocated for the third and fourth stage students of the capacity building program

Sunday, 21 May 2017, 00:00

Media Directorate of the Ministry of higher education and scientific research:
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region announced that they disbursement the dues of the third and fourth stage students of the capacity-building program, which amounted to 522 thousand dollars.
Mr. Abbas Akram, the spokesman of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, said the ministry had sent 500,480,000$ through the banking system to the specialised universities for students of the capacity building program, which considered to the third and fourth stage. He added that the students in the universities concerned 25 students in all universities (American, British, Australian, Canadian and German), noting that the ministry sent in the first and second phases (1.930.118) million US dollars Which benefited 111 students in the capacity building program.
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