Project Discount :: Career Development Center, University of Zakho - Zakho City

The Career Development Center at the University of Zakho is initiating a massive discount project for students, teachers, and staff members. The University of Zakho has signed contracts with more than 30 private sector businesses. This project is regarded as first of its kind among Kurdistan state universities.

The primary objective of this project is to offer help and financial assistance, during these hard times, to students, teachers and staff members. It also aims to give more value to the process of education and educators in the community.

This project is an expansion and complementary to the discount event that the Career Development Center held on 10/02/2022 at the College of Business Administration. The CDC crew thought that the event could turn into a massive project. Thus, they worked restlessly to bring different companies and businesses on beard for this great deal.

Upon signing the contracts, both parties showed consent to offer discounts starting from 10% - 30% on goods and deals. The offers start on 25/04/2022 until 01/07/2023.

The parties and businesses that signed contracts include clinical centers, pharmacies, clothes malls and shops, bookshops, restaurants, online businesses, ... etc.

The beneficiaries; students, teachers, and staff members, of these deals and contracts are required to show their university ID Card (Identification Card) to the second parties.

The University of Zakho wants to express gratitude and is grateful to every party and business who voluntarily take part in this great project. The University of Zakho looks forward to bringing more businesses on board for the purpose of offering sizeable help and assistance to students, teachers, and staff members.

Any local business would like to be part of this project, they can contact the Career Development Center on the details below:

Mobile: 07514412370

All Categories

Category : Education

Category : Software, Computers, Mobiles

Category : Clinic, Pharmacy, Lab

Category : Bookstore

Category : Stationery

Category : Houseware & Others

Category : Clothes

Category : Resturants

Category : Cosmetic and Accessories

Category : Online Shopping and Shipping

Category : Dental Clinic


University of Zakho
Career Development Center
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12


+964 751 441 2370

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Sample of University ID Card (Identification Card) for academic staff :


Sample of University ID Card (Identification Card) for staff :


Sample of University ID Card (Identification Card) for students :