College of Science

Department of Turkish Language

About Department

Because of the needs of the Kurdistan Region to Turkish language graduates situation, this department was founded on September 2013. The Department offers different courses at the level of undergraduate studies , such as Turkish Linguistics, Literature and Language communication skills. The courses are arranged in a four year program. After fulfilling the requirements of the program, The student after completing the program successfully, will be awarded BA degree in Turkish Language and literature. The purpose of this Department is to prepare some graduates who can serve in governmental institutions, teaching Turkish Language and private sector.

Department of Turkish Language

Department Head
Jumaa Qadir Mohammed

Department Cordinator
Piroz A. Bashar

Department Mission & Vision


Contact Information

University of Zakho
College of Humanities
Department of Turkish Language
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12

Phone1: +964 xxx xxxxxxx

Academic Staff

Name Department Title Position Email
Jihan Mohammed Department of Turkish Language Assist. Lecturer
Jumaa Qadir Mohammed Department of Turkish Language Assist. Lecturer Head of Department
Piroz A. Bashar Department of Turkish Language Assist. Lecturer Department Cordinator
Hashim Mohammed Department of Turkish Language Lecturer
Bahman Sadiq Hassan Department of Turkish Language No Title

Academic Staff (Visitors)

Name Department Title Email
Mohammad Salih Owjaa Department of Turkish Language Assist. Lecturer
Adnan Mehmet Emin Tahir Department of Turkish Language Assist. Lecturer
kawar Maasom Abdulqader Department of Turkish Language Assist. Lecturer

Research Staff


​​​ Subject Units Instructor(s)
BSc Courses
TGR 36
MSc Courses
PhD Courses