College of Science

Department of History

About Department

The department of history was established in 2009 in the University of Zakho. The history is a keystone for most of other disciplines in the arts and the social sciences because it has remarkably few thematic borders. It is commonly acknowledged that understanding the past is fundamental to understand the present. The analysis and interpretation of history provide an essential context for evaluating contemporary institutions, politics, and cultures. Understanding the present configuration of society is not the only reason to study the past; history also provides unique insight into human nature and human civilization. By demanding that we see the world through the eyes of others, the study of history provides us with a richly-textured, substantive framework for understanding the human condition and problems. History is essential to the traditional objectives of the liberal arts, the quest for wisdom and virtue.

Department of Turkish Language

Department Head
Xelat Yusuf

Department Cordinator
Karwan S Waisy

Department Mission & Vision


Contact Information

University of Zakho
College of Humanities
Department of History
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12

Phone1: +964 xxx xxxxxxx

Academic Staff

Name Department Title Position Email
Khudair Mohammed Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Shawkat Mohammed Department of History Professor
Farsat Ismail Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Mohammed Hasan Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Khatab Ahmed Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Hoger Taher Tawfiq Department of History Professor
Ghassan Mustafa Department of History Assist. Professor
Lolav Saleem Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Ali Hamdan Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Nijiar Nouman Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Fakhir Yousif Department of History Lecturer Dean
Nizar Hasan Department of History Assist. Professor
Idris Hassan Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Mehvan Hussain Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Majid Younis Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Ibtisam Mohmmed Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Haliz Miro Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Xelat Yusuf Department of History Assist. Lecturer Head of Department
Ali Hassan Yousif Fattah Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Ali Mohammed Qader Department of History Lecturer
Jiman Masiha Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Karwan S Waisy Department of History Assist. Lecturer Department Cordinator
Shayma Dhahir Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Dileen A. MohammedSalih Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Warhel Omar Ismail Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Eman Jamal Muhialdeen Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Jihan Omer Barwary Department of History Assist. Lecturer
Hazhar Abdullah Hussein Department of History Assist. Lecturer Vice Dean
Aveen Mustafa Ahmed Department of History Assist. Lecturer

Academic Staff (Visitors)

Research Staff


​​​ Subject Units Instructor(s)
BSc Courses
CRH 36
MSc Courses
PhD Courses