College of Science

Department of Mathematics

About Department

The Department of Mathematics as a department in the College of education in the University of Zakho. The students are then admitted to the acuity of education to continue their study. We prepare the students to be lifelong learners as scientists, teachers, researchers, as well as users and developers of technology. It is considered that mathematics is a quickly developing discipline directly or indirectly affecting many other disciplines including natural science and engineering, business, etc. Mission Mathematics is undoubtedly essential for natural life and social sciences. Therefore, the main mission of the Mathematics Department is to offer high quality instruction and research to development its faculty members, its undergraduate and graduate students. Thus preparing them to become life-long learners and the responsible citizens. As department offers mathematics courses to students of other sciences degree programs, our mission in this regard, is to make sure that these courses are taught at high standards and meet the needs of these programs. The Mathematics Department at the University of Zakho is a well-known center for education and research in Mathematics for undergraduate programs (B.Sc. within 4 years) and graduate programs (M.Sc., within 2-3 years) in its region.

Department of Physical Education

Department Head
Gohdar Hashem Mohiaddin

Department Cordinator
Isam Najemadeen Arab

Department Mission & Vision


Contact Information

University of Zakho
College of Education
Department of Mathematics
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12

Phone1: +964 xxx xxxxxxx

Academic Staff

Name Department Title Position Email
Hariwan Ibrahim Department of Mathematics Professor
Gohdar Hashem Mohiaddin Department of Mathematics Lecturer Head of Department
Suzan Dawod Department of Mathematics Lecturer
Saman Shafeeq Othman Department of Mathematics Assist. Lecturer
Isam Najemadeen Arab Department of Mathematics Assist. Lecturer Department Cordinator
Majeed ahmad yousif Department of Mathematics Assist. Professor
Sagvan Younis Musa Department of Mathematics Lecturer
Ibrahim Sleman Ibrahim Department of Mathematics Assist. Lecturer
Dawoud sadullah abdulllah Department of Mathematics Assist. Lecturer
Khudeeda Kheder Murad Department of Mathematics No Title
Ahmed anwer mustafa Department of Mathematics Lecturer
Jomaa Jameel Murad Department of Mathematics No Title

Academic Staff (Visitors)

Name Department Title Email
Abdulbari Aabd Asaad Department of Mathematics Lecturer

Research Staff


​​​ Subject Units Instructor(s)
BSc Courses
MSc Courses
PhD Courses

Department Announcements

Department Events

Department News

Department Dissertation Defenses