College of Science

Department of Physical Education

About Department

The Department of Physical Education (PE) is one of the scientific departments which is part of the College of Education in the University of Zakho. The Department was opened by the Ministry of Higher Education on 24/8/2014. In September, the staff started testing high school graduate students from both scientific and literary branches. Their acceptance was also based on physical and medical examinations. The Department enrolled 76 students both male and female. The courses to be covered are Psychology, Science Training, Sport Research, Sport Medicine, Kurdology, Scouts, Arabic Language, English Language and Bio-Mechanic. They will also participate in sports such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, handball, track and field, swimming and gymnastics. The students after completing the program successfully will be awarded Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. The Department has a sports hall, football stadium, tennis court, and track and field area for students to show their physical strengths.

Department of Physical Education

Department Head
Mohammed Mahdi Mohammed

Department Cordinator
Ahmed Ismael Abdullah

Department Mission & Vision


Contact Information

University of Zakho
College of Education
Department of Physical Education
Zakho International Road, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, P. O. Box 12

Phone1: +964 xxx xxxxxxx

Academic Staff

Name Department Title Position Email
Sherzad Zakaria Mohamad Department of Physical Education Professor
Musab Mohammed Abdullah Department of Physical Education Lecturer
Dlshad Mohammed Abdlrahman Department of Physical Education Lecturer
Qahraman Zaynal Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Sherwan Abdulsatar Abdullah Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Athraa Abdulsattar Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Mohammed Mahdi Mohammed Department of Physical Education Assist. Professor Head of Department
Ahmed Ismael Abdullah Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer Department Cordinator
Ayad Tariq Ismael Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Ali Mohammad Ahmed Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Adres husain saleeh Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Kivan Khalid Ahmed Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Mehvan Segvan Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Saif Mohammad Basheer Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Bewar Salem Saado Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer
Rizgar Ramadhan Darweesh Department of Physical Education Assist. Lecturer

Academic Staff (Visitors)

Name Department Title Email
Taha Ramadhan Taha Department of Physical Education Lecturer

Research Staff


​​​ Subject Units Instructor(s)
BSc Courses
Track & field 4
Teaching methods in Physical Education 4
Basketball 4 Qahraman Zaynal
Volleyball-I 4
Academic English 8
Motor learning 6
Teaching Methods-II 4
Biomechanics 4 Dlshad Mohammed Abdlrahman
Measurement & Evaluation 4 Dlshad Mohammed Abdlrahman
Racket games 6 Musab Mohammed Abdullah
Football 6
Handball 6
Science of Sports Training 4 , Taha Ramadhan Taha
MSc Courses
PhD Courses