
Trees Mapping and Identification in the Duhok District by Using WorldView-2 Imagery:

ARS&GIS conducted a project in collaboration with the Directorate of Forestry in the Duhok Governorate to detect and map the spatial distribution of tree species in the Duhok district using remote sensing and GIS techniques. These projects with its results were presented at the "SPIE" Remote Sensing 2014 Conference entitled, "Object Based Technique for Delineating and Mapping 15 Tree Species using VHR WorldView-2 Imagery".

Supervising a Project of Updating the Cadastral Map of the Duhok Governorate:

Most of the cadastral maps of the Duhok Governorate are old and belong to the year of 1932 with a coarse scale. Therefore, based on the modern era of utilizing advanced techniques, cadastral maps need to be converted from paper maps into digital maps, in order to deal with it in a proper, sufficient and advanced way. Such maps serve several directorates within the Duhok Governorate which provide efficient land information systems as well as determining the land category and the boundaries and ownership of the land parcels.

Area Estimation of Vegetation Coverage in the Duhok Governorate by Using Remote Sensing and GIS:

Generally, monitoring and mapping of vegetation coverage are essential to have a healthy environment. Therefore, getting data and up-to-date information of vegetation statue with timely and consistent way, can be achieved by using modern technologies (remote sensing and GIS). The objective of this project is to estimate the ratio of vegetation coverage within the Duhok Governorate in 2014 by using remote sensing and GIS. The output of this project will serve several targets. It is going to be the first database provided to the KRG Ministry of Agricultural and Water Resources with a high level of accuracy. Moreover, this information is going to be used to have knowledge about the distribution of vegetation and how further plans could be prepared and how the vegetation must be distributed and where the plantation must be carried out.

Trees Mapping and Classification in Parts of the Amadiya District by Using Worldview-3 Imagery:

This project is also conducted with the Directorate of Forestry in the Duhok Governorate. The very high resolution imagery worldview-3 with 30 cm is used in this project and a map of the classified trees was produced. This project is still under processing and will completed at the beginning of 2016.