Design Day Festival

Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 19:51

The Career Development Center (CDC) at the University of Zakho announces the staff and students that the Design Day sponsored by (DNO) Company will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Nadhim S. Abdulaziz at the Faculty of Science/ third floor/conferences hall on Tuesday, April 10, 2022. At which, nearly (50) projects will be assessed in the presence of the marketing sector, colleges, staff, and students of the university.

The Design Day is an academic learning experience that better equips students for the world of work. During a Design Day project cycle, students are provided with real-world problems. They present their design solutions to the problems through their practical and theoretical projects.

Experiential education opportunities such as Design Days and university internship programs provide students valuable workforce preparation while also fostering closer links between students, educational institutions, organizations, and the private sectors for society service.

It is worth mentioning that Design Day is one of the activities coordinated by the IREX organization in collaboration with the Career Development Centers at the Kurdistan Regional Government’s universities.

The students whose names are mentioned shall submit their projects on Sunday, April 8, 2022, from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm at the Faculty of Sciences / third floor/ conferences hall for the preparation of the Design Day.